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Monday, March 31, 2025

Share Your Story


Your story matters. It can change the life of one person, or many. Submit your story and inspire, motivate, encourage, and most of all inform others that they are not alone.

Prior to submitting, please review the follow as a guideline:

  • What type of mental illness or addiction are/were you battling?
  • If struggling with a mental illness, what are you doing to manage your symptoms from day to day?
  • If you are addicted, or recovering from an addiction, what steps are you taking to stay clean?
  • What signs did you experience that lead to your diagnosis?
  • Are you currently receiving support (family, friends, etc.)?
  • What types of challenges have you experienced?
  • If in recovery, what are the major changes you have experienced?
  • What have you experienced after recovery or treatment?
  • How can your experiences help others facing similar challenges?


All stories are reviewed prior to sharing on our website. We do not sell or post stories without your consent.

** See all Terms and Conditions here.


Sharing your personal experiences can potentially help another individual in a way only someone who has experienced it can identify and understand.

Click here to “Share Your Story” and make a difference.

We want to hear your voice!

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